I was born in Venice, Italy in the early sixties. After several years of travelling I returned to my city about 10 years ago.
“Using the camera feels like an extension to my hands. I just have to look through the viewfinder to discover a nature, as if it was a secret, which is hiding and only wants to be discovered.”
All through the years I have become an addicted to photography and to leave the house without a camera is impossible. I am not a “digital” child but in the late 90’s I moved on with new technologies like many others. But soon I rediscovered old techniques and I came back to the “roots” of photography like pinhole and folding cameras. I also build my own large and medium format cameras and even learned how to make my own bellows. I like to experiment and combine. I do infrared photography for example which opens the door to a parallel, almost unrealistic world. But most of my pictures are black & white. To me this is pure and simple and I can complete my artworks in the darkroom by developing them on my own. Cyanotype, wet collodion, printing on fine Japanese paper… there is so much more to explore.
I hope you enjoy my works and would be glad for your feedback.